Today I am going to share with you Best English Status for Whatsapp DP, Facebook Profile, and Instagram . I hope you will enjoy reading this Caption status so without further ado let's get started! english quotes caption. Short Quotes Caption 2023.
#1. "Even if the lion calms down, the jungle dog does not!"
#2. “Don't blame me, I'm born awesome ”
#3. "Enjoy today because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may not come!"
#4. “For success in life… you need two things… ignorance and confidence…”
#5. "I am tired of the battle of life... but I will not stop... I will fight and fight!"
#6. "I was born to express, not to impress!"
#7. "Today I am deep in thought... I am, everyone is, but not you..."
#8. "Always hold on because that's what you'll have till the end."
#9. "My life didn't start with you, but I want it to end with you!"
#10. “Quiet people have the biggest hearts !
#11. " I am the king of my kingdom"
#12. "I don't treat people badly, I treat them as they are."
#13. "It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to love someone, but a lifetime to forget someone."
#14. "There are only two ways to be happy, change the situation or your attitude towards it!"
#15. "The storm in life goes slowly, but I can't think how to stop the storm in my mind!"
#16. “Nothing special, but I am a strong warrior…”
#17. "If life scares you, you'll know you're doing it right..."
#18. "My life, my rules, this is my attitude..."
#19. "It's disappointing to feel sorry for everything, nothing else."
#20. “I don't believe in words, I believe in actions!”
#21. "I love my haters because they made me famous!"
#22. "If you can dream it, you can do it!"
#23. "I am Always Available!! Please annoy me !!
#24. “Always create something new… ”
#25. "Don't believe in luck, believe in hard work."
#26. "Every girl is my sister except you "
#27. “Life doesn't tell you who hurt you and who broke you. It's about the one who was always there for you and the one who made you smile again.”
#28. “A smiling face does not always mean a smiling heart”
#29. "Don't tell people your dreams, show them!"
#30. "Confidence is the first secret of success."
#31. "I'm not crazy, my reality is different than yours "
#32. “I'm lost in a world that doesn't exist!”
#33. "Honor those who do not claim it but those who deserve it!"
#34. "I love to hear lies when I know the truth."
#35. "Life is too short to hate others, so love everyone and be happy!"
#36. " It is good to speak the truth but it is best to hear the truth... "
#37. “ Learn to read both books and people . You get knowledge from a book and experience from a person.”
#38. "If the direction is right, a lamp works like the sun ."
#39. “There are many who share it. Appreciate what someone spends on you in this world …”
#40. “Learning is the hardest thing. Because almost everyone knows a lot….”
#41. “If school doesn't let you go without exams, why should this life let you go…”
#42. “It doesn't matter who hurt you. Remember those who taught you to smile again.”