1. Corolla juice must every morning
Karla or Uchche is a great medicine for diabetic patients. These two vegetables contain some beneficial substances that help control diabetes. The polyphenols and antioxidants in it together can lower blood sugar levels. In this case, take 2 ml of bitter gourd or ucch juice every morning on an empty stomach. If you drink this juice regularly, you will see that the problem is being solved easily. Dependence on drugs can then be expected to be greatly reduced.
2. You can eat low fat chocolate milk
Diabetics may also like to change their taste buds. And in that case, low fat chocolate milk can be their faithful friend. In this case you can make this drink at home. According to Web Med , mix 3 teaspoons of cocoa powder and zero calorie sweetener in a glass of milk. By drinking this drink, the fatigue of the body goes away quickly. It even helps in controlling sugar. So have these drinks whenever you have time. You will benefit.
3. Orange juice will be the game
Now oranges are available throughout the year. So you can buy oranges and make juice and eat them even in the midst of such a crisis. By drinking this drink regularly, sugar is controlled, many diseases are kept away. Orange juice is rich in vitamin C. This vitamin can increase the body's immune system. And because the glycemic index of oranges is low, diabetics can easily eat this fruit.
4. Lemon juice will cool the body in summer
Although the name is 'Pati', this lemon is very unique in quality. Therefore, experts advise diabetics to drink lime juice regularly. In this case, mix the juice of a whole lemon in a glass of water. Mix it with sugar free. Then feel free to pour it down your throat. This drink is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. So this drink is very effective in controlling blood sugar levels. Apart from this, it also helps to increase immunity.
5. Even with smoothies, sugar remains under control
If you want to keep sugar under control, you need to eat fruits with low glycemic index. In this case, fruits like guava, apple, blueberry can be easily eaten by diabetic patients. This will keep sugar under control. But if you want to change the taste, mix milk with the juice of these fruits and eat it as a smoothie. The body will be healthy.