It can be your perfect breakfast. Bananas contain potassium. Yogurt contains high protein. So eating banana and curd together helps build muscle. Replenishes the deficiency of amino acids. Spinach is also useful, again lime. Do you know what will happen to these two couples? Why eat bananas with yogurt? Or cheese with eggs? Let's find out.
Lemon with Spinach: Spinach contains enough iron. As a result, it is recommended to have spinach in the diet of those who are suffering from anemia. If you can mix lemon with it, then there is no question. The iron in spinach can be more easily absorbed by the body.
Spinach with strawberries: Strawberries contain vitamin C. Iron in spinach. Iron deficiency causes fatigue, muscle weakness. Bunch of hair falls. Therefore, especially women should eat more foods rich in vitamin C and iron. Spinach with strawberries is the perfect combination.
Olive oil with tomatoes: Tomatoes contain antioxidants lycopene and carotenoids. To get the full quality of tomato, it is better to mix olive oil with it. It will control cholesterol and blood pressure. It has no comparison in the prevention of cancer.
Curry spices with fish: If you want to eat fish, cook it together with turmeric, cumin and coriander. You will get the benefits of Omega 3 which is beneficial for the heart. Fish contains DHA and EPA fats, which reduce the risk of cancer.
If you eat berries, eat mixed berries: i.e. eat blackberries and strawberries together. Because it is more nutritious.
Cheese with eggs: Calcium is essential for strengthening the bone structure. Vitamin D is needed to absorb this calcium. Very few foods contain vitamin D. One of them is egg yolk. Mix as much cheese as you can with an egg omelette. You will get good results.
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