How to make dark lips pink. Due to the use of excess cosmetics, irregular diet and lifestyle, dark lips appear. This blackness can be reduced with the help of natural ingredients. According to a report published on a cosmetic website, there are ways to remove dark spots on the lips.
Turmeric: Turmeric is well known for its skin brightening properties. Make a paste by mixing half a teaspoon of turmeric with half a teaspoon of milk. Regularly massaging this mixture on the lips will remove the blackness.
Lemon: Rubbing lemon on the lips is helpful in removing blackheads. Its natural bleaching reduces dark spots and smooths lips.
Cucumber: Cucumber juice is cooling and can remove dark skin. It also helps to retain moisture by eliminating dryness of the skin.
Beetroot: Massage the beetroot on the lips and wait for five to 10 minutes, the skin will absorb it. After some time wash the lips with water. A few days of use will give good results.
Olive oil: Massage the lips with olive oil before going to bed at night. It lightens the color of the lips as well as keeps the lips moisturized and smooth.
Sugar: Sugar is a great exfoliator that helps remove dead skin cells. Make a scrub by mixing sugar grains with a spoonful of butter and massage your lips several times a day.
Aloe Vera: Aloe vera reduces 'melanin' in the skin. Massage fresh aloe vera on the lips. Wash it when dry, you will get benefits.
Coconut Oil: The cheapest and easiest way to get rid of dark lips is to use coconut oil. Apply coconut oil on the lips with fingers every night before going to bed, it will reduce the dark spots.
Rose water: Mix half a teaspoon of rose water with honey and use it twice a day on the lips. Regular use will remove dark spots.
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