Many people are worried about excess body fat these days. Both men and women want to lose weight for good health and physical beauty. But due to busy schedule, it is not possible to do the necessary exercise or diet to lose weight. But you know, if you adopt some simple techniques, losing extra weight is not that difficult. You can also reduce weight. The health section of lifestyle website Boldsky has given 12 easy tips to lose weight in 15 days.
1. Drink water: Drinking enough water keeps the body hydrated, it will also make your stomach feel full. You will also feel less hungry, because of which you will eat less, gradually losing weight. Drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water a day.
2. Clean the fridge: laughing? What is the relationship between cleaning the fridge and reducing weight? have a relationship Remove high-calorie foods or fast food from the fridge or kitchen. Instead, have healthy food. Keep fruits and vegetables. If healthy food is in front of you, these eating habits will also be formed gradually.
3. Avoid sugar and sugars: Stay away from sugar or sweet foods for at least 15 days. Also eat less sugary foods. Eat less rice and bread. Eating less of these foods will reduce weight quickly.
4. Eat protein-rich foods: Keep protein-rich foods in your diet. It will make the muscles healthy. Skipping protein food will have bad effects on the body. Keep eggs, milk, chicken, pulses in the diet. But avoid red meat (cow, khasi).
5. Eat more vegetables: very simple. Weight loss by eating vegetables. Yes, so put more vegetables in the dish. Vegetables contain nutrients and antioxidants. They help keep the body healthy.
6. Calorie intake: Eat calorie-rich foods according to how many calories your body needs. Seek expert advice if needed.
7. Don't skip meals: You can't lose weight without eating. So no meal can be skipped. Eat at least six times a day. Divide your meals into three large meals and three small meals. Eat a small amount of food without eating too much.
8. Say no to fast food: Processed food, fast food, soft drinks, soda - absolutely say no to these foods. They contain high amount of calories, which leads to weight gain.
9. Eat on a small plate: If you eat on a big plate, you will eat more. So eat in small dishes. You can also use a spoon to eat less food. By eating with your hands, you put more food in your mouth at once. Using a spoon instead of a hand reduces food consumption.
10. Eat while sitting in front of the mirror: It may sound strange, but studies say that people who eat while sitting in front of the mirror, lose weight faster. How? They keep looking at themselves and thinking, need to lose weight. If this idea works or not, you can check it!
11. Walk: There is no alternative to walking to lose weight. And walking will not only reduce weight, but also reduce the risk of heart disease. Depression (Depression) or upset will also decrease a lot.
12. Eat a little less: Where you used to eat three loaves of bread, eat one loaf of bread or eat one cup of rice where you used to eat one plate of rice. Instead, fill your stomach with vegetables and fruits.